Are you at risk of serious injury by your partner?

“According to a 2019 United Nations report on Femicide, women across the world account for 82% of victims killed by their partner or ex-partner.”

“Everyday 137 women worldwide are killed by their current/former partner or family member.”

Danger Assessment 

Mark Yes or No for each of the following: 

____ 1. Has physical violence increased in frequency over the past year?

____ 2. Has the physical violence increased in severity over the past year and/or has a weapon or threat from a weapon ever been used?

____ 3. Does he ever try to choke you?

____ 4. Is there a gun in the house?

____ 5. Has he ever forced you to have sex when you did not wish to do so?

____ 6. Does he use drugs? By drugs, I mean “uppers” or amphetamines, speed, angel dust, cocaine, “crack,” street drugs, or mixtures.

____ 7. Does he threaten to kill you and/or do you believe he is capable of killing you?

____ 8. Is he drunk every day or almost every day? (In terms of quantity of alcohol.)

____ 9. Does he control most or all of your daily activities? For instance: does he tell you who you can be friends with, how much money you can take with you shopping, or when you can take the car? (If he tries, but you do not let him, check here: ____)

____ 10. Have you ever been beaten by him while you were pregnant? (If you have never been pregnant by him, check here: ____)

____ 11. Is he violently and constantly jealous of you? (For instance, does he say “If I can’t have you, no one can.”)

____ 12. Have you ever threatened or tried to commit suicide?

____ 13. Has he ever threatened or tried to commit suicide?

____ 14. Is he violent toward your children?

____ 15. Is he violent outside of the home?

____ Total "Yes" answers

Please talk to your advocate or counselor about what the Danger Assessment means in terms of your situation.

by Jacquelyn C. Campbell PH.D. R.N.