Are you in an Abusive Relationship?

When you love someone, it can be difficult to accept that the one you love is abusive. When the abuse first starts, many people are not sure if what they are experiencing is abuse and it is easier to think that it happens to “other people”. It is common to feel shame about being harmed by someone you love. This is the reason why many people in society keep silent about domestic violence. To find out the truth, we must ask the right questions.

The more questions that are answered with a “yes,” the more likely you are living in an abusive relationship. Seek help if you respond “yes” to a majority of the following questions.

  • Do you avoid discussing certain topics so that you do not arouse your partner’s negative reaction or anger?

  • Are you fearful of your partner most of the time?

  • Do you ever feel so badly about yourself that you think you deserve to be physically hurt?

  • Has your partner limited your access to money, the telephone, or the car?

  • Does your partner try to keep you from seeing your friends or family?

  • Does your partner humiliate or criticize you in front of others?

  • Are you afraid your partner will try to take your children away from you, especially if you try to leave the relationship?

  • Has your partner ever threatened to commit suicide, especially as a way of keeping you from leaving?

  • Does your partner blame you for their own violent behavior?

  • Has your partner ever threatened to hurt you or kill you?

  • Has your partner ever actually physically hurt you?

  • Are you afraid your partner may try to kill you?

  • Did you grow up with domestic violence in your household?

  • Do you fantasize about ways to get them out of your life?

  • Do you feel that there is nowhere to turn for help?